Ready to take that next step in your academic career?
College is a time of exploration and critical self development. It can be a pinnacle point in many peoples stories in which they build their careers, find lifelong friends, and learn valuable lessons they carry with them always. It could also be a pinnacle shifting point for many in which they discover more about themselves than they do any particular academic subject.
Here we explore the ins and outs of college student life and what it entails. From navigating tough decisions with your major, to friendships and extracurricular opportunities, landing internships, decorating your dorm, and finding your place as a student- we talk about it all.
College 101: How to deal with imposter syndrome in college
So you made it to college and now its hitting you, the burning question of this current chapter of your life, the one that proceeds all the hard…
4 min read
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4 min read